Emergency Report

Democratic Republic of the Congo

The situation for children...


are exposed to conflict


are in dire humanitarian need


of gender-based violence is against children

What's Going On
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) remains one of the hardest places in the world for children, burdened by decades of conflict, corruption, and natural disasters. With 14.9 million children in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, including 4 million in need of protection services, DRC faces a deepening crisis. Armed violence, displacement, and extreme poverty have exposed millions of children to danger. Over 6.4 million people are internally displaced, half of whom are children. The conflict has also left 900,000 children out of school and closed over 1,000 schools, while two-fifths of sexual violence survivors are children. In 2023, War Child ensured that over 7,700 children accessed safe, quality learning opportunities, and supported nearly 300 survivors of gender-based violence. Through our work, vulnerable children in the DRC are given a chance to heal, learn, and grow, despite the challenging circumstances they face.
Millions of children need help to learn, grow, and heal from the trauma they've experienced
What We're Doing
War Child, through its global alliance, works primarily in the eastern provinces of North and South Kivu, including Masisi, Goma, Bunyakiri, and Minova. In 2023, we reached 79,379 children and adults with a comprehensive response focused on child protection, education, mental health, and livelihoods support. Our work includes providing psychological first aid and movement-based activities like TeamUp for children on the move, running safe spaces, and facilitating the release and reintegration of children recruited by armed groups. We also provide catch-up education to prevent a lost generation and vocational training to equip youth with skills for the future.ImpactIn 2023, War Child ensured that over 7,700 children accessed safe, quality learning opportunities, and supported nearly 300 survivors of gender-based violence. Through our work, vulnerable children in the DRC are given a chance to heal, learn, and grow, despite the challenging circumstances they face.

September 3, 2024

Rapid Needs Assessment in North and South Kivu

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